Living Life Daily Programing Schedule

The activities offered to adults in the day care centers, give enjoyment, entertainment, and companionship. The greatest benefit of all; engagement with peers like them.

Living Life allow Individuals to interact with peers in their community. It’s so different from living in a nursing home facility. In one, an adult is left feeling the end is near, whereas day services incorporate fun activities and companionship to brighten one’s life. Recipients share meals, play games, and sometimes enjoy outings with others like them.

Time Activity

8:00-9:00: Arrival/ Check-in at the Center

9:00-10:00: Current Events & Devotionals

10:00-12:00: Programming (movement, hands-on activities, etc)

12:00-1:00: Lunch Bunch

1:00-2:00: Wait a Minute Rest Period

2:00-3:30: Programming

3:30-4:30: Happy Hour (games, singing, etc)

4:30-5:30: Homeward Bound

Cognitive Stimulation

Activities designed to stimulate the mind are one of the major components of adult care activities. Games with pattern recognition and repetitive interaction can help individuals who suffer from a failing memory. Monopoly, Scrabble, and other word games require individuals to exercise their minds while encouraging social interaction with other players. Card games are also great for cognitive stimulation.


At some point, everyone needs a break. Individuals may sit in a lounge area and shoot the breeze with friends. Other fun but relaxing activities include watching old movies and eating popcorn.

Music therapy

Sing-along and music therapy is a fantastic tool for raising spirits. Often the activity leader will choose music based on a specific theme and then encourage the clients to discuss it. One activity that brightens a loved one’s day is the children’s visit. Oftentimes, they visit and sing together with the adults.

Puzzle and Game Activities

Games are multi-functional for mental exercises and sometimes to strengthen the body. Games create interaction between recipients. Simple game of dominoes and card games Go Fish and Old Maid are ones easily remembered and followed. And, because these games involve long-term memory, they’re reminiscent and fun!

Work on jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, Sudoku puzzles and word search games can also help stimulate the memory.

Living Life encourages individuals to participate in video games, since research says these game build stronger eye-hand coordination. The day center uses the Wii system to help recipients build stronger and more responsive bodies.

Photo and Scrapbook Activities

Sometimes the simple act of going through an old photo album can stir up fond memories for patients with cognitive illnesses. Each time a participant looks at the photo, it brings back a sweet memory.

Making a new scrapbook. Not every activity focuses on the past. Lots of photos taken during activities, special events, outings are put into new scrapbooks. Cutting, pasting, and designing help with spatial concepts.

Filtering through old photos and labeling them, gives participants a sense of accomplishment.

Share Memories with other Participants

Talk about funny family memories or events that happened at home or the day care center. Humor is great therapy and it can enhance a participant’s mood.

Watch a favorite funny movie or TV series together.


Grow vegetables and fruits to add and mix in meals at the center, and some fresh veggies will go home with the recipients. Your loved one will enjoy sharing the fresh harvest with the rest of their family. It helps them feel like their contributing to the family.

Other Activities and Programs

Arts and crafts that encourage creativity, Dancing, Educational classes, Adult health classes, Healthy eating classes, Yoga, Movie day, Trivial pursuit, Charades, History of the community, How to email, How to use social media.

Living Life’s adult day center’s goals focus on enriching the recipients lives, building upon their skills, knowledge, and unique abilities and strengths.